
Questions? Do you need more information?

You want to tell us about new revelations, your ideas, remarks...? Mail us at

Bands, DJ's, agents, managers or record companies

Please send your propositions to


If you are writing about Couleur Café and need information, please write us at


If you believe in the concept Couleur Café and are interested in being a sponsor; is your mail address.

Food stand or shop?

Do you want your restaurant or foodtruck on Couleur Café? Fill out this form

For a stand or shop on our Souk market, this is the link

Those who'd like to be part of our Namasté zone (reflexology, massage, well-being, ...) can register here.


Want to become a volunteer during the Couleur Café festival? Subscribe to our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) and be the first to get all info you need to become a volunteer.